
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

august photo contest

congratulations to the staying cool photo contest winners, left to right: Jackson at The Great Wall, by Kim; Archer, 7 mos, by Cindy; Tulia, 8 mos, by her 12 y/o sis Mela; Lily, 28 mos, by Amanda. as usual, we couldn't decide on just two, so there were four winners last time - your covers will be shipping soon - thank you all!

it's time for the August photo contest! please submit your entries by 8/31, 5 pm EST. the winner will be notified by email 9/2 & will receive a 100% organic wool double layer cover! this month's theme? wool. plain and simple. since the summer wool line has been shipped out & we're all gearing up for fall - show off your wool!

the gritty: please submit your photos in a high quality jpeg format, with "sustainablebabyish photo contest - AUGUST" in the subject line to: erinATsloombDOTcom . all submissions need to be in by 8/31 5 pm EST. winners will be chosen by the sloomb team and announced on 9/2 by email. please include your child's name, age and a few lines about how awesome your little one is in sustainablebabyish. all photos submitted will become the property of sustainablebabyish|sloomb inc.


1 comment:

Yara said...

Just popping in to say hello
the pictures are awesome as usual...
miss you tons